Russ Tokuyama


Some things I’ve been involved in

Conjure - 2023

I submitted several pull requests that have been accepted and merged into Conjure. The PRs were small improvements for various programming language clients supported by Conjure. I also try to help others on Conjure's Discord site.

Conjure provides interactive evaluation of various languages in the Neovim editor. Originally developed for Clojure, it also supports other Lisp languages like Fennel, Racket, Scheme, Guile, Common Lisp and Janet. Some non-Lisp languages are also supported like Julia, Rust, Lua, and Python.

I made some notes about sending code blocks to a subprocess running a REPL (interactive program) for a programing language.

I'm enjoying starting to use Fennel for Neovim stuff. I wrote a quick post about this experience.

Keyboard Automated Design (KAD) - 2022

I submitted a pull request that has been accepted and merged into kad. This fix is used to generate EPS files. I use kad to generate EPS files to get laser cut switch plates from Ponoko to build hand-wired mechanical keyboards for computers.

Parallel copy and checksum - 2019

While doing system administration work for the Information Technology Services department at the University of Hawaii, the disk arrays were upgraded several times and virtualized disk volumes were often resized. Frequently files needed to be copied from one virtualized volume to another due to the peculiarities of the disk arrays, volume management software, etc. These activies were often performed during a scheduled outage.

To ensure that we didn't waste time during the outages, I wrote a Go program, pcopy, to copy a lot of files from one directory to another. It was also crucial to ensure the integrity of the data so there's a companion Go program, psha1sum, to generate the SHA1 checksums of the files in the destination directory. Then the checksums generated by the copy program can be compared to verify that no data has been mangled before proceeding with the next steps of the data migration.

Kaimuki YMCA - 2018

Faced with the challenges of recruiting and retaining employees, the Kaimuki YMCA wanted to take advantage of the Google for Jobs service so that their job postings would have higer visibility for job seekers. Not having the technical staff familiar with the structured data that could be added to the job posting pages, I created a web page to make it easy to create the structured data to add to their website so that Google searches for jobs will put their job openings at the top of searches (see Demo it here.

3rd Place in the Hawaii Machine Learning Meetup Challenge - 2018

The organizers of the Hawaii Machine Learning Meetup group put on a friendly competition to predict the amount of items that would purchased based on real retail store sales data. My team, BFBI, took 3rd place out of a field of ten.

Code for Hawaii - 2016

I contributed work that helped bring the UIPA website to life. UIPA stands for Uniform Information Practices Act. The public can make freedom of information requests to Hawaii state and county departments. The website was deployed in 2016.

The first Hawaii Annual Code Challenge HACC 2016

I was on the iDelve team and Team Fossil.

Team Fossil did a data visualization of campaign contributions by industry groups. The written submission can be found at and the visualization can be found at